miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

K is for Kimber...of course :)

Hey ladies! Kimber is the name of this awesome pink with gold shimmer polish but also is the name of the lovely lady who started this challenge and put together a great group of nail sisters! She's a devoted blogger, mom and wife :) Her blog is Kimber's Lacquer Korner and there you'll find a huge variety of swatches and most importantly to me, amazing nail art and a great person behind it all. Thanks to her and her challenges I have met even more incredibly nice ladies and she was the first person to ever leave me a comment! :) She holds a special place in my heart, so as a tribute to her, I chose this polish.

Kimber (the polish) has the great formula Zoya's have and it was opaque in two coats. I really loved the application and the smoothness of the finish.

I also did what were supposed to be flowers, but I'm not sure if it's clear enough. I tried to do something similar to the flowers by Tenshi No Hana, it's a french blog. I only know a little French, but it's enough to read a couple french blogs I follow. If you haven't visited this blog, you're missing out on an actual nail artist doing her own nails, don't let the language prevent you from doing so. I swear she draws the cutest flowers! .

I'm feeling lazy to list all the polishes I used, but you can find them in the tags! :P But if you're curious about anything just ask me.
See you soon and thanks for reading! xoxo


Hola chicas, como les va en esta semana corta? Hoy les presento a Kimber de Zoya. Kimber es un rosa encendido con shimmer dorado, muy lindo. Tiene una muy buena formula, suave y de buena cobertura. Escogí este esmalte como un tributo a Kimber nuestra host de este reto y su blog Kimber's Lacquer Korner. En ese blog encontrarán a una devota bloguera, mamá y esposa. Cuenta con innumerables swatches de esmaltes independientes y lo más importante para mí, hace un lindísimo nail art y es una gran persona.
Ella guarda un lugar especial en mi corazón porque ella hizo el primer comentario en este blog! Y gracias a ella conocí a muchas chicas que han sido super lindas conmigo. :)

En dos dedos hice lo que se supone son unos pedazos de flor. Pero creo que no me salieron muy bien! Me inspiré en las flores que hace Tenshi No Hana es un blog francés de una chica que es artista de uñas profesional, así que ya se imaginaran sus diseños! Estan divinos!!
Yo solo sé un poco de francés, pero me es suficiente para leer unos cuantos blogs que sigo. Pero por favor, no dejen que el idioma las detenga de visitar este blog, no se arrepentirán!

Los esmaltes que utilicé para las "flores" están en las etiquetas (abajo al final) Pero si les queda duda, pregúntenme por favor.
Muchas gracias por leer!! besos y abrazos :)


20 comentarios:

  1. I love this color and the reason you chose it <3

  2. K for Kimber our host, how perfect! It's a gorgeous color too!

  3. A perfect choice for today's letter! Gorgeous colour, the golden shimmer is beautiful.

  4. Nice choice on the polish. I didn't realize the art was a flower until you wrote that - nice design. Love that shimmer.

  5. Great choice for the color here! This is so pretty and I like your flower accent :)

  6. Ahh I love this! The color is amazing and how awesome that you have a Kimber polish!

  7. So sweet of you to have this post Kimber-inspired! And the polish is awesome, too!

  8. Muy buen tributo a la persona que publicó el primer comentario en tu blog! :D Kimber me encanta, tiene un color precioso y muy veraniego! ^^ Las flores también te han quedado bien!

  9. Marii....two things:

    1. I apologize for having spelled your name incorrectly FOR NEARLY A YEAR!

    2. You have been pumping out mani after stunning mani. Girl, you have upped your game with some of the best stuff out there.

    Great "K" mani! :)

    1. Hi Lisa! Never mind on spelling the name wrong! I don't really care but I like to write it with an I instead of a Y and the way it sounds in Spanish with a double I :)
      And thank you!!! I'm glad you think I'm getting better at this :P ...all that practice is paying off heehee
      Once again, thanks for your comments!

  10. What a great idea to use that polish for the K week, you're so sweet :)) Stunning manicure too!

  11. Beautiful color! Love your flower too.

  12. Hola Mari!! Te quedo muy bonito! Fijate que ese tono me recuerda mucho a Strawberry Fields de China Glaze pero no se si este es un poco mas rojo :O y de salud como sigues? Ya te sientes mejor?
    Un beso!

  13. Aww this is so sweet!! I think your flower looks like lace, beautiful!!

  14. haha thats so cool that you've found a polish called Kimber! XD it looks amazing on you :)

  15. Pretty pink! I really like the floral accents you did.


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